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Best WordPress caching plugins

Cache is a list on request of temporary stored information for easy access. Information on computers is normally stored on a hard disk. When it is requested, before the information can be displayed, a computer needs to run multiple processes.

By processing the often requested information and then storing it in a temporary storage or memory ,caching solves this problem. This helps computers to easily access the file with it.

What is WordPress Caching?

WordPress caching is the way of improving efficiency. If the site is getting too many hits, you can allow WordPress caching by installing W3 cache or WP super cache.

Reusing the previously created data (or requests such as database queries) to speed up new requests is called WordPress caching when a website is repeatedly requested by various clients.

Types of caching

Caching can be categorised into two:-

  • Server side caching
  • Client side caching
  1. Server side caching

A server cache is a type of cache that is similar to web caching, except that it is stored on a site’s server instead of temporaliry saving content on the client side. Server caching on the server without any intervention of the end user, or a browser, is also entirely managed and administered.

Caching forms for servers include, but are not limited to:-

  • Caching for objects- This includes storing queries from the database so that it is still delivered from the cache the next time a piece of data is required without having to query the database.
  • CDN caching- Caching is at the heart of services in the content delivery network (CDN). A CDN transfers the website content to powerful proxy servers designed for rapid content delivery, similar to how browser caching saves files on a hard drive,where they can be accessed more easily.Caching operates by selectively storing website files on the cache proxy (CDN) where they can be accessed easily by website visitors browsing from a nearby location.
  • Opcode caching- This kind of caching compiles human-readable PHP code to encrypt what is called an opcode that your server understands.This happens when a PHP file is loaded for the first time on the web page. Then, for each subsequent page visit, it is saved to the server’s memory for faster loading.The first process is completed by bytecode cache engines such as OPcache,APC and Xcache.
  1. Client side caching

For a long time, the idea of client-side storage has been around. Sites have used cookies to store information since the early days of the web to personalize the user experience of websites. They are the first type of customer-side storage  widely used on the internet.

Together, client-side storage and server-side storage is also used. For instance, a batch of music files (perhaps used by a web game or music player application) could be downloaded, stored within a client- side database, and played as needed. The consumer would only have to download the music file once, they would instead be downloaded from the archive on subsequent visits.

Best WordPress cache plugins

Countless free and paid caching plugins for WordPress are available. However, only the top 7 best WordPress caching plugins were chosen to make the comparison more manageable.

A fast loading website lets you get even more organic search traffic to your website. Google offers quicker websites with a huge SEO value that lets you rank higher in search results.

These are the 7  Best Caching plugins for WordPress include:-

  1. W3 Total Cache

W3 complete cache (W3TC) increases the site’s SEO and user experience by increasing the efficiency of the website and reducing load times by leveraging features such as incorporation of the content delivery network (CDN) and the new best practices.

W3TC is the only WordPress web host agnostic Web performance optimization(WPO) platform trusted by millions of worldwide publishers, web developers, and web hosts.


  • Management of a transparent content delivery network (CDN) with the media library, theme files and WordPress.
  • Shared networking, virtual private/reserved servers and dedicated servers/clusters are compatible with.
  • Mobile support: respective caching by referrer or user agent groups of pages, including theme switching for referrer or user agents groups.
  • Help for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 
  • System of extension for customization or extensibility.
  • Help for WP-CLI cache purging, upgrading query strings and more various security features to help ensure the protection of the website.
  • Javascript embedding Non-Blocking directly import the post attachments into the media library (and CDN).
  • To optimize photos, leverage numerous CDN integration.
  • Upgrading query strings and more various security features to help ensure the protection of the website.
  1. WP super cache.

WP Super Cache is WordPress’ static caching plugin. It produces html files that, without processing comparatively heavy PHP scripts, are served directly by Apache.

Html files are created when it is installed and they are served  without ever invoking  a single PHP line.


  • Supports plugins that view mobile devices with a different theme.
  • The rejected URI features regular expressions.
  • Supports the plugins poor behavior if installed (half on mode only).
  • Better microsoft windows support.
  • Properly serve cached static files in Red Hat/Cent OS or other systems that have a /etc/mime.types gzip entry.
  • The cache can only be invalidated if a comment is certainly not spam free, as Akistem and other spam combat tools have improved.
  • Don’t super-cache any GET parameter requests.
  • Better wp-cache -config.php update tests in case you’re using an outdated one.
  1. WP Rocket Cache

WP rocket  cache is  a plugin that allows WordPress pages to be cached in order to increase their loading times.The most powerful caching plugin in the world is WP Rocket.Used to boost the pace, SEO rankings and conversions of WordPress site.No coding is necessary.


  •  Apply optimal caching headers for browsers(expires).
  • Caching for users who have signed in preloading the sites butter.
  • Reduction of the number of requests from HTTP to minimize loading time with GZIP compression, decreasing bandwidth usage.
  • Caching all of the pages for easy viewing.
  • Preloading the sites Buffer.
  • Integration into CDN.
  • Prefetch of DNS.
  1. WP Fastest Cache.

WP fastest cache is a famous free caching plugin that’s been around for a while.Its architecture and features set are simple and practical, but without much effort it gets the job done.


  •  For faster loading times, it blends CSS and javascript files.
  • It helps both your HTML and CSS to be minified.
  • Using compression from GZIP to minimize the size.
  • The cache from your entire site is preloaded so that results can be seen instantly.
  • Supports caching on both the browser and desktop.
  1. Hyper Cache

Hyper cache for WordPress is a compact, quick to configure and highly effective cache plugin.Hyper cache’s  target is to be successful but simple to configure.It has a quick configuration panel ready for your blog with preset values.to further optimize the results or to result particular needs, you can twerk the configuration.

Hyper cache is a cache plugin written solely in PHP to provide high compatibility with most configurations and setups of WordPress.It can be used both for low-resource hosting and on high -end servers.


  • Mobile cache: Independent mobile Device Cache(when you use mobile oriented themes or plugins).
  • Simple installation: only trigger Hyper Cache  and the collection of default value works.
  • Mobile phone Theme Turn helps for compression  to maximise the use of bandwidth and the overall.
  • Configurable rejections based on cookies.
  • HTML, CSS and JS file minification and concatenation.
  • Compression with Gzip.
  • Supporting CDN.
  1. Comet cache

Comet cache is a common WordPress caching plugin released in 2016 and now has over 60,000+active  installations.

Comet cache can look like a daunting prospect to new users, with an advanced feature set including WP-CLI compatibility. It’s easier to use than it first sounds,though.


  • Compatibility with WP-CLI.
  • Device with AC (advanced Cache ).
  • Compression GZip.
  • Browser caching leverage (pro only).
  • Basic URL clear manually (pro only).’
  • Mode for debugging.
  • Compatibility with translation.

7. simple cache

After getting frustrated with the big caching plugins available and building sites with developer-only complex caching solutions that get millions of page views everyday, simple cache was constructed. 


  •  Highly easy translation with one click.
  • Easy cache makes rather operating your site.
  • Enable compression by GZip.
  • It’s incredibly easy and simple to uninstall.
  • Clears cache quickly if you need to.

Why need caching on your WordPress website.

Caching is important because it reduces the load and makes your website run faster on your WordPress hosting servers.To enhance your WordPress speed and efficiency, you need to set up proper caching.

A quicker website enhances the experience of users and allows them to access more sites.This also helps you improve interaction and the time spent on your website by users.

WordPress cache testing

To compare and measure the best WordPress caching plugins,the GTmetrix, pingdom, and Google pagespeed insights applications, the same tools were used to find the fastest WordPress themes.

Using the famous multi-purpose Divi theme and a content-rich homepage,hosted on an early entry-level, shared web hosting package, a WordPress testing website was developed. As the sample site did not perform very well in the initial tests, by using a caching plugin, there was great potential for performance improvements.

Research website’s baseline scores were as follows:

  • GTmetrix: 64.5% pagespeed score and  80 % YSlow score with an average loading time of 2.72 seconds.
  • Pingdom: 80 % efficiency rating with an average load time of 3.9 seconds.
  • 44/100 in the desktop test and 47/100 in the web test: Google PageSpeed insights.


To conclude with the use or configuration of WordPress caching plugins does not have to be difficult, In reality, they are  easier to use than their interfaces would lead you to believe, very often.

Never using more than one caching plugin is the most important thing, as it can cause unintended effects and problems on your website.

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