CSS & LESS Files

We're using several LESS files in this theme that are compiled when you save the options in the Customizer.

- assets/less/* - files that are compiled into css at options save

- assets/css/bootstrap.min.css - Base grid css framework

- assets/fonts - Icomoon vector font icons, which mean they're gorgeous on high-resolution displays.


Responsive means that the content will adjust to every screen width and you can control how appearance will be through media queries.

Media queries are not in a separate css file and they are inside each Less element declaration.

JavaScript Files

This template loads several JS files.

Most of JS (scripts) are loaded at the end because it will increase speed and rendering.

The JS files in this template are:

  1. functions.js - All custom functions are written and initialized in this JS file. Each section of this file is commented for better understanding.
  2. plugins.js - Different scripts for theme features
  3. modernizr.custom.92164.js - Modernizr Foundation
  4.  Inside the components folder you will find base.js which actually is not used since is the functions.js file but not minified. This was provided if you want to take a look at the js code if you need.


- buddypress/* - this contains BuddyPress templates overrides

- ctdl-templates/* - template overrides for Cleverness To-do list plugin

- kleo-framework/* - this is the base framework for all of our themes, it includes helper functions and it initiates the Kleo class

- languages/* - here the the localization files used for translations

- lib/* - all the specific theme functions

- page-parts/* - this folder contains templates used in the theme. You have the templates for login/forgot password forms, header parts, page-title section, blog archive structure

- page-templates - these are used for you pages to switch to a different page template

- rtmedia - template overrides for rtMedia plugin

- vc_templates - used to override Visual composer plugin shortcode structure

- functions.php - theme initialization  logic

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